Throughout the life of a project, information is needed to help direct and manage the project. Creating, modifying and storing these items is an important part of the project. The following items are typically under the control of the PCM process:
- Project Artifacts - project documents, such as the project charter, statement of work, project management plan, WBS, project schedule etc..., are all project artifacts that need to be stored for reference purposes (both during and after a project)
- Structure - since these project artifacts are important collections of project related information, a method of structuring these documents is needed. Information must be organized in an efficient way, allowing for the easy retrieval, storage and use of the information
- Item Identification - items selected are typically at a level of significance to present the project manager or sponsor with recognizable points of achievements
- Taxonomy Scheme - unique identification and naming conventions must be applied to all project artifacts such that all configuration management items can be tracked and cataloged
Applying configuration management principles to project artifacts ensures:
- The correct version of the item is in use by the project team
- Changes to items are only made by authorized individuals
- A planned means of notifying stakeholders of approved changes is in place
- A record is kept to support auditing and project closure activities